The Make Bitmask node uses the flag index rather than the flag mask value unless the enum has the UseEnumValuesAsMaskValuesInEditor meta specifier. UserDefinedEnums in the editor don't support this ...
Deadlock in Chaos during PIE; the main thread is in USkeletalMeshComponent::HandleExistingParallelEvaluationTask waiting for a task to complete, and a worker thread is running that task and is in US ...
A cube constrained to a physics actor will start to jitter uncontrollably when interacted with. (see attached media and repro steps for more details) Tested in the following //UE5-Release-5.3-CL ...
The OutHit from a LineTraceByChannel against a landscape in Editor is not returning the Physical Material of that landscape. While PIE there is no issue. While using BoxTrace (even in Editor) there ...
Property Coloration View Mode is not supported by Nanite. (Left cube is Nanite and isn't affected by the Property Coloration view mode) [Image Removed] ...
The background around a mesh moving via WPO is distorted. Mesh is correctly outputting velocities. ...
When using Push Replication with blueprints, UK2Node_VariableSetRef nodes do not mark a property as dirty and so the variable is not replicated. ...
Note that the issue does not happen if the two materials have different colors. Note also that the issue happens if one of the meshes to merge has 2 sections with the same material assigned ...
From licensee: When we run MainMap (NM-Standalone) and then open GameMap to play (options - listen). When the client joins the server, it won't be able to find the LevelStreaming in GameMap (see - ...