When painting Vertex Colors on a mesh, and enabling the 'Emissive for Static Lighting' option, the painted colors are not passed to surfaces receiving the emissive static lighting. The regular emis ...
Auto-weld is Enabled even if the blueprint component is set to Simulate. This only effects blueprint, static mesh actors in the world still disable Auto-weld if set to Simulate. This is a Regressio ...
When using the Retopolgize tool on a landscape that is utilizing the Landscape Grass Tool, any pre-existing grass types will begin to float and transform their locations. The only way myself and th ...
There is a crash that is occurring for packaged games that use the string tables and nativized blueprints. This issue only affects a packaged build of the game. Testing for this issue did not yield ...
There is an issue with the checkbox taking input when the visibility is set to "Self Hit Test Invisible". It should not be taking input as it should have the same properties as "Hit Test Invisible", ...
After triggering a breakpoint in blueprint, variable getter nodes can display the value of a different object than the node's target. For example: if an actor class has a value MyBool and the bluepr ...
Material Base Pass Instruction Count will change from a value established when plugging in components pre-compile to a higher value on post compile, but when the material is reopened the count rever ...
Pausing simulation in PIE does not pause looped timers on the Server when players is set to more than 1. The Client pauses the timer as expected. With only one player, timers are paused as expected. ...
Joining a session in PIE with Auto Connect To Server disabled will crash PIE. Note: this is not specific to the Multiplayer Shootout project used in the repro steps; this will occur in any project ...
Users are reporting that when playing sounds in projects deployed to their Android Devices, the playback is triggered three times in quick succession. There are known work arounds to this issue, li ...