Selecting a text field that is displaying "Multiple Values" will rewrite all values for all selected entities to "Multiple Values"

Tools - Jun 14, 2015

Selecting a text field that is displaying "Multiple Values" will rewrite all values for all selected entities to "Multiple Values". Reproduced in 4.7.6, 4.8.0, and Main (//depot/UE4/Promotable-CL-2 ...

The == node is no longer available for Strings

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jun 14, 2015

The == node is no longer available for Strings. Reproduced in 4.8.0 and Main (The == node is no longer available for Strings). This is a regression: the == node for strings existed in 4.7.6 ...

Reimporting mesh will wipe any collisions that were setup using the Static Mesh Editor

Tools - Jun 12, 2015

When Reimporting a mesh the collision that is created using the methods in the Static Mesh Editor will be wiped if there was not previously setup UCX custom collision. ...

Entering 'Games App Id' for Google Play Services without configuring apk packaging first crashes the editor

UE - Platform - Mobile - Jun 12, 2015

User reported that he was experiencing a crash when attempting to put in Games App ID in Android section of project settings. Note that this occurs only if the Configure Now button in the APKPackagi ...

Reimporting static mesh with static mesh editor window open will cause crash

Tools - Jun 12, 2015

When generating a collision box for a static mesh and reimporting the mesh with the static mesh editor window open will result in a crash. [Link Removed] ...

Mouse disappears when clicking the blank area of the opening UI in Multiplayer Shootout game

Docs - Samples - Jun 12, 2015

If the user clicks in the black area off to the side the mouse will be captured and the player can no longer get the mouse back ...

Crash on aborting main task of behavior tree's parallel node

UE - AI - Jun 12, 2015

It seems that we're getting an intermittent crash when killing a pawn that's executing a parallel node. It's crashing in BehaviourTree.cpp on this code: UpdateInstance.ParallelTasks[ParallelTaskId ...

Widget displays darker image in Mobile preview and device

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Jun 12, 2015

In mobile preview and device, UMG displays way darker image than in the editor. ...

SpeedTree SRTs with similar names will not import

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Import and Export - Jun 11, 2015

When you import the SRT files for both Broadleaf_Desktop and BroadLeaf_Mobile, the BroadLeaf Mobile Texture Atlas (Diffuse and Normal) will not import. This is a regression, it imported properly i ...

MAC: Mouse input does not aligned with the cursor when switching from windowed to fullscreen

UE - Platform - Apple - Jun 11, 2015

Mouse input is not aligned with the visible cursor when users switch from windowed to fullscreen. Input seems to be located to the left of the visible cursor. This prevents users from accessing any ...