Failure packaging for Android with Configure for deployment to Daydream enabled

UE - Platform - Mobile - Jan 5, 2017

Found on: 4.15 Binary CL-3247232 Unable to package for android when Configure for deployment to Daydream is selected. (Packaging without it enabled succeeds even with the same other settings, but c ...

GoogleVR - Crash opening application on device: FATAL EXCEPTION: MainThread-UE4

UE - Platform - XR - Oct 30, 2018

GoogleVR package for android crashes on startup with the following error:10-30 11:36:52.658: E/AndroidRuntime(12189): FATAL EXCEPTION: MainThread-UE4 10-30 11:36:52.658: E/AndroidRuntime(12189): Pr ...

Blueprints break when implementing a duplicated BP interface along with the original

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Mar 1, 2024

When duplicating a blueprint interface, the GraphGuids of the original BP interface's function graphs are unchanged: function graphs across the two BP interfaces now have the same GraphGuid. This is ...

Failure packaging for android that supports both armv7 arm64 with GoogleVR plugin enabled

UE - Platform - XR - Aug 30, 2016

Unable to package a build for android (ATC) if the GoogleVR plugin is enabled and both arm64 and armv7 are supported. This does not reproduce if you turn off GoogleVR. This does not reproduce if yo ...

Rendering with a singe frame custom frame range in the MRQ with temporal sampling renders 2 frames instead

UE - Anim - Sequencer - MRQ - Jan 27, 2023

Temporal samples cause more than one frame to be rendered with a custom range of 1 frame ...

"Render in main pass" setting appears to be ignored when using ES3 and "Render in Custom Depth" is enabled

UE - Platform - Mobile - Jul 17, 2019

it appears that meshes cannot be removed from the main pass and still write to the custom depth pass when using ES3.1 ...

The drawing order of widgets becomes wrong when GlobalInvalidation is enabled,

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - Nov 26, 2021

When trying to create a widget with specific steps, the drawing order may not be correct. This is not reproduced when Global Invalidation is disabled, and the state can be restored. This issue is pr ...

In Niagara's "CalculateParticleRadius", StaticSwitch Input is connected

UE - Niagara - Jan 24, 2020

This may not compile properly. Should be fixed. ...

Force front x imported asset incorrectly display axis for thumbnail and default editor camera

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Import and Export - Apr 12, 2021

Thumbnail can be fix by (Quote from UDN) "adjusting OrbitYaw of the ThumbnailInfo for the +X-facing skeletal mesh" Persona Editors can be fix by (Quote from UDN) "setting SkeletalMesh->SetHasCustom ...

Crash when creating StaticMesh repeatedly

Tools - Nov 21, 2014

UE4Editor crashes when creating static meshes. Event at startup time while it tries to create default object it crash sometimes. ...