Unexpected behavior when Actor Parenting in the World Outliner of a WP map

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - World Partition - Nov 23, 2021

Licensee reports the following in the UDN: There seems to be some other erratic behavior when using parenting in world outliner (i.e. drag and drop one actor on another one in world outliner).Since ...

JSON Serializer FromJson function returns true when property types don't match

UE - Foundation - Core - UObject - Nov 16, 2021

If the type of a property in a Json string doesn't match the expected type in the Json serializable class being created, then the value for that property will not be read in. However, FromJson still ...

Duplicate keys in TMap and TSet after using FJsonObjectConverter::JsonValueToUProperty

UE - Foundation - Core - UObject - Nov 16, 2021

Found here: [Link Removed] The relevant sections in ConvertScalarJsonValueToFPropertyWithContainer() use script helpers to add defaulted elements to each container and then parse straight into them ...

Native Gameplay Tag Dev Comments are not included in GameplayTagWidget tooltips

UE - Gameplay - Nov 12, 2021

Native Gameplay Tag dev comments don't show up in tag tooltips.  ...

Travelling between two levels that share a sublevel will not update the positions of those actors in that sublevel

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - Oct 28, 2021

If you travel between two levels that both share the same sublevel then the actors within that shared sublevel will not update their positions regardless of their positions being saved at different ...

DefaultEditor.ini dirtied when UpdateSingleSectionOfConfigFile is called for an object containing an array property

UE - Foundation - Core - Aug 5, 2021

Closing an AdvancedPreviewScene results in a call to UAssetViewerSettings::Save to save the preview scene settings, regardless of whether or not anything has been modified. This in turn calls Update ...

Crash when adding a streaming level to the world through Python

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - World Composition - Aug 3, 2021

When using the Python plugin to add an existing level as a streaming level, the editor crashes. It seems that this happens regardless of what level is added or what the contents of that level are. A ...

Making a Movie Scene Section Parameters struct in Blueprints will use the incorrect Can Loop values

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jul 26, 2021

Can Loop is the edit condition for two other values in the struct, and those will have values by default when the node is created, so Can Loop will be true in the make struct node.  You can work ar ...