In material editor, if a quality switch node is used together with a static switch to control branch, material parameters in the 'true' branch will never show up in the Detail panel of material inst ...
If there is a texture parameter within a specific material attribute stream in the base material and also within the base material layer, they must have the same parameter group otherwise the parame ...
When using materials with CustomData inputs, such as the Eye material with Iris Distance and Mask, Virtual Texture samples will increase the instruction count for each unique VTPageResult. Each cus ...
Texture Collections can contain virtual textures. There is no way to inform TextureObjectFromCollection that the texture is virtual, only that it is a Texture2D. This texture object is then sampled ...
It would seem that updating a material does not update the associated platform stats in a material instance editor, only the parameters. Can workaround by manually invoking shader compile in the ma ...
When UMaterialInstanceConstant::UpdateCachedData() updates CachedExpressionData.PropertyConnectedMask for material instances with layers incorrectly, it can lead to various graphical issues includin ...
Prefix Parameter Names checkbox does not work as expected, and the Group names are unmodified. The value "UMaterialFunction::bPrefixParameterNames" does not appear to be used anywhere in the Engine ...
When using material attribute layers in a material layer setup, there is a potential discrepancy in the number of VT Lookups presented in the material instance's Platform Stats. When the same textur ...
When a Material Instance is loaded that has a nullptr layer in StaticParametrs.Materiallayers. The Material Instance will create it's own CachedExpressionData but the ConnectedParameterMask will be ...
Calling UStaticMeshComponent::GetMaterial() during a Blueprint compile on load can cause the Material shader to fail to compile because GetMaterial will trigger a PostLoad call on that Material and ...