When there is a physical material mask asset that has been created and applied to a mesh in the level without having a texture source imported yet, and then "ShowFlag.PhysicalMaterialMasks" is enabl ...
On line 408 of UPhysicalMaterialMask::GetPhysMatIndex() in PhysicalMaterialMask.cpp, the AdjustCoord() function is given AddressX for both the U and V coordinates. The AddressY input is never used i ...
If the GeometryCollectionActor (GCA) is simulating physics, calling SetSimulatePhysics(false) does not stop the simulation. If the simulation is paused, calling SetSimulatePhysics(true) does as expe ...
The ChaosCacheManager (CCM) changes the bSimulatePhysics flag from the ObservedComponents and, if deleted, the change will persist, what can lead to confusion as observed physical entities will inad ...
A welded hierarchy blocks updates to collision settings on all but the root primitive. Calling SetCollisionResponseToChannel on the children won't work. The licensee noticed that IPhysicsProxyBase* ...
Calling BodyInstance.UpdateBodyScale displays erratic behaviors and does not update the rendering scale. The licensee has reported and presented a repro project that displays the erratic behavior of ...
Changing the state of a PrimitiveComponent->BodyInstance while SetSimulatePhysics(false) updates the game thread but does not update the physics behavior. In the repro project provided (see addl in ...
Velocities are not being cleared when physics simulation set to false. ...
Changing the Global Time Dilation to a very small value and returning it to a large value (by either using the slomo console command or directly in BP - slomo sets TimeDilation) makes Physics simula ...
A player cannot move heavier GC objects even if we have a valid setup due to the GC not reporting the correct mass. ...