Scroll bar on Project Settings - Collision menu behaves strangely.

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - Jun 1, 2015

The scroll bar in the Engine - Collision menu in Project Settings doesn't appear when it first should, and when it does, it resizes and moves oddly. Edit MattK: variable length widgets inside of a ...

Replacing blueprint assets causes editor to crash

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jun 1, 2015

When attempting to replace references of one blueprint with another a number of error message windows pop up ([Link Removed]) and the editor will crash. This is a regression since it was working in ...

Child blueprint reference to self node unpins after close and reopen from Set Array Element node

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jun 1, 2015

If a child blueprint attempts to set an array element of self to an array of the parent blueprint, then the editor is saved, closed, reopened, the self pin will disconnect from the Set Array Element ...

Trace from cursor sporadically returns false if camera is positioned over 1k uu from character and mouse is over a landscape

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - Jun 1, 2015

Trace returns false periodically when camera is positioned above 1k units from character if the cursor is over a landscape ...

Pasting variable nodes into a BP without those variables, should add them to the BP on paste.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jun 1, 2015

If nodes are copy/pasted from a project in 4.7 to a project in 4.8, various nodes will not copy over and must be remade in the 4.8 blueprint. ...

Changing the Pin Type on the 'Select' node can cause errors with pins that have been split

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jun 1, 2015

Changing the Pin Type on the 'Select' node can cause errors with pins that have been split. ...

Destroy Component node does not work on decals

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jun 1, 2015

Destroy Component node does not destroy decals when called. ...

Render Target as Material Image in UMG is Clipped when setting Fullscreen in Standalone (Alt+Enter)

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Jun 1, 2015

Render Target Material is clipped as an Image within UMG when attempting to set to fullscreen while playing in Standalone mode. The interesting thing I noticed about this bug is that the issue is n ...

Crash assigning spline mesh on tiled landscape

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - Jun 1, 2015

Crash assigning mesh to spline on tiled landscape. ...

Project fails to package on Windows that has Cyrillic characters in Path

Tools - May 30, 2015

Semi related to [Link Removed], however on windows it fails to package when file path of project has Cyrillic characters in it. If you move a packaged project to a file path location with cyrillic ...