(BUG) Sequencer Root motion breaks down when using SwapRootWithActor, translation track and transform origin actor

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Anim in Engine - Jul 19, 2024

When "Sequencer.ThreadedEvaluation.AllocationThreshold 8" is initiated, characters in a level sequence that have “Swap Root Bone Actor” activated on their animation will begin to slide very fast acr ...

Bug with control rig display name and sequencer

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Anim in Engine - May 17, 2024

Control Rig Tracks are not visible in Sequencer when the Name and Display Name are not set to the same value in the Control Rig graph, and the track filter is set to "Selected Control Rig Controls". ...

Sequencer fails to play anim sequences on linked anim instances when an Additve/Layered FKControlRig track is active

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Anim in Engine - Mar 2, 2024

Animations can't be played with Sequencer via slot nodes in linked anim graphs when an additive/layered FK Control Rig is active.  This is because adding an FK Control Rig changes the anim instance ...

Go to end and Stop on level sequences does not work with keep state animations and anim bps

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Anim in Engine - Jan 16, 2024

When a skeletal animation section is set to Keep State, and the mesh uses an anim BP and slots to play back the animation, calling Go to End and Stop on the sequence will not pause the animations. ...

Sequencer Curves View: Fourier Transform Curve Filter stopped working?

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Anim in Engine - Sep 20, 2023

The Fourier Transform Curve Filter seems to have broke in 5.3+ [Image Removed] ...

Bake To Control Rig on a Spawned Actor in a Subsequence with Play Range that exceeds the Subsequence causes a Crash

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Anim in Engine - Jun 28, 2023

This is a Regression. Tested in //UE5/Release-5.1 CL23901901 Using Bake To Control Rig on a Spawned Actor in a Subsequence with Play Range that exceeds the Subsequence causes a Crash. ...

LinkedAnimGraph of AnimBP is not applied to the character to which ForceCustomMode is applied in the sequencer after the sequencer playback is completed

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Anim in Engine - Jun 16, 2023

LinkedAnimGraph is not restored at the end of an AnimationSection with ForceCustomMode enabled. There is a problem with the order in which custom mode ends and anim instances are restored, and Linke ...

Adding parent constraint to control rig in shot crashes the editor

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Anim in Engine - Mar 10, 2023

Adding a constraint to a control rig in a subsequence will crash the editor. ...

When used with First Loop Start Frame Offset and Use Animation Blueprint, the character will alternate between the specified animation and the reference pose

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Anim in Engine - Jan 30, 2023

If you use StartFrameOffset set to 1 or higher in conjunction with the Use Animation Blueprint, the character's animation will be rough towards the end of the section. Specifically, it seems that th ...

Bake to control rig doesn't process virtual bones

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Anim in Engine - Dec 13, 2022

It seems that virtual bones aren't being processed as part of the bake to control rig workflow. This was reported on the linked UDN. When baking to control rig, it seems that virtual bones use the ...