Trying to create a custom code class derived from ArrowComponent will result in the build failing in Visual Studio.

UE - Foundation - Core - Feb 11, 2015

Deriving a custom code class from UArrowComponent results in several link errors (LNK2001 and LNK2019) in Visual Studio when trying to build the project. ...

Crash Upon Opening Project in 4.7 preview 5

UE - Foundation - Core - Feb 4, 2015

The user claims to have converted his project with each new version of the engine starting from 4.2. Comments left in crash reporter "Tried to open project" Creating bug for tracking purposes unti ...

Access violation - code c0000005 (first/second chance not available)

UE - Foundation - Core - Feb 4, 2015

Crash Reporter: [Link Removed] Opening a project created in 4.6.1 with 4.7 built from GitHub branch 20150203 (last commit: 5bac1375be31053932c7b9123cc3bb94c70dd5e0) results in crash. ...

Slate Widget fails to compile once added to a new project

UE - Foundation - Core - Jan 28, 2015

Slate Widget fails to compile when you add it to a new project. Expected as a user that anything in that default list should be able to be added and compile fine without making any changes. Compil ...

Having lots of SpeedTrees loaded in/out/in with level streaming causes crash with Standalone game

UE - Foundation - Core - Jan 21, 2015

Description: When using lots of static meshes placed in the scene and using level streaming to switch levels out can cause standalone game to crash while loading the map back in. For example, if you ...

UBT reporting VS2012 as an unsupported compiler even when UAT was passed -NoCompile

UE - Foundation - Core - Jan 19, 2015

The editor will pass UAT the -NoCompile flag when building a Blueprint only project, however UBT has been changed to throw an exception if it detects VS2012 as the only available compiler (UEBuildWi ...

Editor is crashing on Startup after opening a copy of older project

UE - Foundation - Core - Jan 16, 2015

Edit: Looks like failing to read the DDC when compiling global shaders User is getting a crash when they are attempting to open a copy of their project from version 4.4.3. Attached CrashLogs, DXd ...

Fail to compile with Added AIController class

UE - Foundation - Core - Jan 14, 2015

User fails to compile code template after adding AIController code to project. Regression: Not a regression happens in 4.6.1 CL-2386410 Setting up Mono Building MyProjectEditor... Compiling game m ...

UEnum::NumEnums appears to be returning one more than the actual number of elements in an enum.

UE - Foundation - Core - Jan 6, 2015

A user reported that UEnum::NumEnums appears to be returning one more than the actual number of elements in the enum. ...

Packaging a game fails in 4.7 Promoted branch on GitHub because UBT tries to pass 33,000+ characters through the command line.

UE - Foundation - Core - Jan 5, 2015

A user has indicated that he was having some trouble packaging a game in the Promoted branch of 4.7 from GitHub. It appears that UBT was trying to pass 33 thousand characters through the command lin ...