Geometry Collections don't support any collision visualization modes (Collision, CollisionVisibility or CollisionPawn)

UE - Simulation - Physics - Jun 27, 2024

Geometry collection objects do not display any collision visualization, either collision color or wireframe overlay when the view mode is set to Player Collision or Collision Visibility or when the ...

City Sample vehicle does not always produce an EndOverlap Event

UE - Simulation - Physics - Apr 23, 2024

Reported on UDN: Something in the setup of the City Sample vehicles means that if a vehicle starts inside a  Box Collider Component then it won't generate an EndOverlap when exiting. Vehicles in ge ...

Clustering GeometryCollections in sleep state forces them to awake

UE - Simulation - Physics - Mar 27, 2024

The sleep state will be overwritten in ClusterUnionManager::UpdateAllClusterUnionProperties. Clustering using AClusterUnionActor results the same behavior as well. ...

The AABBTree spatial acceleration structure goes off-sync when physics substepping is enabled in a "low" framerate environment.

UE - Simulation - Physics - Mar 15, 2024

When you enable the physics substepping, if you run the console command p.Chaos.Solver.DebugDrawSpatialAccelerationStructure 1, you can see how does not follow the physical object. The user that rep ...

GeometryCollection clustered by ClusteredGroupIndex does not respect child's gravity setup

UE - Simulation - Physics - Mar 7, 2024

Following code works as a workaround void FClusterUnionManager::HandleAddOperation(FClusterUnionIndex ClusterIndex, const TArray<FPBDRigidParticleHandle*>& Particles, bool bReleaseClustersFirst) ...

Nanite enabled Geometry Collection is not simulated by ChaosCache in package application

UE - Simulation - Physics - Feb 19, 2024

When using ChaosCacheManager to simulate destruction of a GeometryCollection, destruction is not simulated when Nanite is ON for the GeometryCollection. In the editor, destruction is simulated rega ...

Request to ensure all setup parameters have units described in tooltips

UE - Simulation - Physics - Jan 22, 2024

UDN customer requests that all parameters have units in their tooltips. Need to do a sweep and check what might be missing. This is not a regression, the information will have never been their in t ...

Chaos Clothing CreateClothActor takes a long time with LODs and Self-Collision

UE - Simulation - Physics - Jan 21, 2024

Spawning an actor with Chaos cloth causes a hitch when LODs or Self-Collision are enabled on the cloth. LODs and Self-Collision seem to compound the issue. Self-Collision requires a collision simul ...

Chaos Vehicle does not make them CCD

UE - Simulation - Physics - Jan 10, 2024

AWheeledVehiclePawn class tries to use CCD in the constructor, but Mesh->BodyInstance.bUseCCD = true this code does not work to activate CCD because Physics Assets could not be available at this ...