The licensee found a way to lock the state of a rigidbody as PBDRigid->ObjectState() == EObjectStateType::Sleeping by subjecting it to a particular transient field composed of a RadialFalloff and a ...
In Unreal Engine version 5.4, all Physics Linear Velocity functions inside PrimitiveComponent class are returning always a velocity of (0,0,0), even if the Body Instances are moving. This was workin ...
A lot of properties are not getting saved correctly to custom configuration files. This looks like that it can be cause by the FConfigContext::PerformLoad function. New conditionals have been added ...
Geometry collection objects do not display any collision visualization, either collision color or wireframe overlay when the view mode is set to Player Collision or Collision Visibility or when the ...
Please note that a similar issue exists [Link Removed], however it is not the same, as this issue requires a bone to be specified in the node to occur. Leaving the Bone Name field as None or Root pr ...
Reported on UDN: Something in the setup of the City Sample vehicles means that if a vehicle starts inside a Box Collider Component then it won't generate an EndOverlap when exiting. Vehicles in ge ...
The sleep state will be overwritten in ClusterUnionManager::UpdateAllClusterUnionProperties. Clustering using AClusterUnionActor results the same behavior as well. ...
When you enable the physics substepping, if you run the console command p.Chaos.Solver.DebugDrawSpatialAccelerationStructure 1, you can see how does not follow the physical object. The user that rep ...
Following code works as a workaround void FClusterUnionManager::HandleAddOperation(FClusterUnionIndex ClusterIndex, const TArray<FPBDRigidParticleHandle*>& Particles, bool bReleaseClustersFirst) ...
When using ChaosCacheManager to simulate destruction of a GeometryCollection, destruction is not simulated when Nanite is ON for the GeometryCollection. In the editor, destruction is simulated rega ...