When a material is created and saved using the fresnel node, the fresnel effect does not show in the Content Browser thumbnail. Also, when editing the material, zooming in and out with the mouse wh ...
Long messages/errors cannot be read in the Message Log because there is no text wrap and no horizontal scroll bar to access the remainder of the message. Edit MattK: Needs word wrap imo. ...
When previewing Mobile rendering in the viewport, the outline around static meshes isn't rendered. This does not occur with BSP. ...
Function call inputs do not revert to their Default Values if a variable node is connected and then disconnected. Refreshing the call node does not reset the inputs to their defaults. Reproduced in ...
If an interface is implemented within a blueprint, the initial function in the blueprint interface cannot be called in the actor. The function will be populated after compiling the blueprint interfa ...
Sub editors do not gain focus when opened. Ctrl+F4 (Close Major Tab) does not work until the open tab has gained focus, so it must be clicked before the hot-key works. Reproduced in 4.8.3 binary an ...
DBuffer Decals are rendering on top of Hierarchical Instanced Static Meshes despite being placed in the world behind the meshes. Also Reproduced in Main CL-2646357 and Releases 4.9 CL-2641818 [Ima ...
If a user has a period in the name of their widget and they then copy and paste that widget the editor will crash ...
The description for Horizon Falloff is misspelled, it says 'Horitzon' instead of 'Horizon'. Edit MattK: This is a content issue because this is a blueprint data variable. ...
Crash Report [Link Removed] Access violation - code c0000005 (first/second chance not available) This bug is distinctive in that when you return to the AnimBlueprint Event Graph from another tab/O ...