Cannot instantiate an InstancedStaticMesh component with ConstructionScript

UE - Graphics Features - Jul 21, 2024

Starting with Unreal Engine 5.4, the logic for adding ISM instances by adding ISM components in the Construction Script (like below) has failed.  [Image Removed] This issue accidentally was introd ...

Horde can create multiple users with the same Perforce account

UE - Foundation - Horde - Jul 19, 2024

Users note seeing multiple accounts being added to Horde's user collection with the same account details. ...

Reflection Captures permanently unload with world streaming

UE - Graphics Features - Jul 19, 2024

When a reflection capture is unloaded due to streaming, it cannot be reloaded when the player returns to that area in the world because FReflectionCaptureData::OnDataUploadedToGPUFinal deletes the C ...

JumpForce replicated ability task not always cleaned up properly

UE - Gameplay - Gameplay Ability System - Jul 19, 2024

See [Link Removed] for original report.  UAbilityTask_ApplyRootMotionJumpForce has a slightly different flow than other Root Motion Source ability tasks. It is the only one that allows EndTask to b ...

UHapticFeedbackEffect_SoundWave Initialize does not populate Raw Data in the HapticsBuffer

UE - Platform - XR - Jul 19, 2024

From the UDN:  >  Open HapticsFeedbackEffect.cpp and naivgate ~ line 150; note HapticBuffer has length populated but never write the actual buffer data. LikeReplySelect as Best Seems like a simple f ...

Objects that return false for NeedsLoadForClient not loaded on listen servers

UE - Networking - Jul 19, 2024

For instances that are not a dedicated client or dedicated server (e.g. packaged games with TargetType "Game"), GIsClient will be true, but GIsServer will be false. This leads to objects that retur ...

Landscape Layer Painting issues when painting near the edge of delete Landscape Proxies.

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Jul 19, 2024

It appears that the landscape painting tool is not correctly taking into account deleted landscape sections, resulting in artifacts inside of the weight textures. ...

(BUG) Sequencer Root motion breaks down when using SwapRootWithActor, translation track and transform origin actor

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Anim in Engine - Jul 19, 2024

When "Sequencer.ThreadedEvaluation.AllocationThreshold 8" is initiated, characters in a level sequence that have “Swap Root Bone Actor” activated on their animation will begin to slide very fast acr ...

Regression - Inherited component properties on actor instances of derived blueprints are silently reset to defaults when the blueprint is compiled, causing data loss

UE - Gameplay - Jul 19, 2024

In certain circumstances, when a derived blueprint is compiled, all properties from its inherited components can be silently reset to defaults on instances placed on the current level. This results ...

For a TMap with C++ enum keys, deleting and re-adding a map entry in the Editor can corrupt the map data.

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - Jul 19, 2024

When adding an entry to a TMap using UE's property editors, in most cases the new entry comes with a default-initialized key (if such key already exists, the insertion fails). The case of a UENUM de ...