Users have reported that manually editing each bone when generating blendmasks to be tedious and could be easier with some bulk editing functionality. ...
Looks like he data is being lost along the chain from our call to GetCustomUniformBufferResource and is erased in both FPrimitiveSceneProxy::UpdateUniformBuffer and in FPrimitiveSceneShaderData::Bui ...
A Packaged build that has had an Editor Only Component added to one of its Blueprints logs a false positive warning in USimpleConstructionScript::FixupRootNodeParentReferences(): USimpleConstructio ...
The order of passes related to Decal rendering (without the DBuffer) and CustomDepth is changed by the CVar "r.Lumen.AsyncCompute", even when Lumen is not enabled. This causes Decal Materials that ...
Actor foliage does not respect the "foliage.CullDistanceScale" console variable. This was brought up in a UDN: [Link Removed] ...
Nanite foliage static meshes do not respect the "foliage.MaxEndCullDistance" console variable setting. This was brought up in a UDN: [Link Removed] ...
It is possible to get in a rare situation where PCG uses all Background workers while also having all its workers waiting on the FPCGLandscapeCacheEntry DataLock critical section. Since loading of ...
Consider an actor defined in C++ with "bIsSpatiallyLoaded" set to true (the default), and a derived blueprint that overrides "bIsSpatiallyLoaded" to false. Now consider an actor instance of that blu ...
There is an issue with UPROPERTY enums where the tooltip does not update as expected. When the DetailViewWidget is refreshed, the tooltips appear correctly. For example, ToggleShowingOnlyAllowedPro ...