When editing a GameplayTagQuery inside of the editor, there are times when the query editor will not update the query when selecting Ok or fail to return the query to its original state before editi ...
A forum user reported an issue where object geometry occlusion would be missing when Ray Traced shadows were enabled. I was able to reproduce the issue internally where occlusion seems to be missing ...
The editor crashes when entering Kanji characters into TextRenderActor with raytrace enabled. This does not happen with English text. ...
The OnlyTickMontagesAndRefreshBonesWhenPlayingMontages setting added in 5.4 is broken. It only works because it unintentionally forces a second call to UAnimInstance::UpdateAnimation (via RefreshBo ...
Originated from UDN case: [Link Removed] ...
A licensee reported that packaging the build with same content (it is unclear if they were rebuilding the DDC between the runs, but it shouldn't matter) produces a different placement of code chunks ...
Conversation moved to Comments to allow for public visibility. ...
Inside SCurveEditor::ZoomToFitHorizontal and SCurveEditor::ZoomToFitVertical, the program navigates through a TArray<FRealCurve*> called CurvesToFit in a for each loop. Inside the for loop, if the p ...
It was reported that the same foliage scene between beta1 and beta2 had a big loss in performance. We need to investigate the cause as it seems related to a vegetation re-work effort to improve qual ...
The screen jitters when animating the size of the filmback of a aspect ratio constrained Cine Camera. Following behavior was observed by the customer: MRQ: The expected behavior - bars smoothly in ...