The environment geo is getting in the way and the particle's wireframe outline is the same color as the environment. A current workaround it going to the Preview Scene Settings and turning off the e ...
It is possible for the while loop in UnrealEditor-SubobjectDataInterface.dll!USubobjectDataSubsystem::GetActorRootHandle(const FSubobjectDataHandle & StartingHandle) Line 815 to not terminate when ...
The priority display does not correctly reflect the set priorities of sounds when they are not being attenuated or when Bypass Volume Scale for Priority is Enabled. If a sound is attenuated and scal ...
The loading of the cloth visualization materials disturbs async loads shortly after starting PIE which causes an async flush and several seconds stall. The solution would be to move these to a sing ...
USplineMeshComponent::CalcBounds function should be returning an FBoxSphereBounds type, but in the implementation it instead outputs an FBox. This may result in the returning of invalid results, esp ...
This was found by a customer through a UDN, and they offered the fix for it, as well. The basic steps to reproduce the crash are as follows:call GEditor->SetPropertyColorationTarget(...) somewhere i ...
When references to Gameplay Tags are loaded, it checks to see if they are already registered. If they are not already registered, it will notice it is invalid and may print a warning depending on th ...
In levels where "WorldPartitionRuntimeHashSet" is specified as the runtime hash class, the world partition may not be correctly visible only in the package. This issue is reproduced only in packaged ...