After painting foliage meshes on a BSP surface and rebuilding the level (more specifically the geometry), the meshes are deleted. This bug is especially nasty because you cannot Ctrl+Z after buildi ...
Tilt information is no longer taken after clicking on a button in UMG. The tilt information goes to all zeros. That is until the user clicks else where at which point the device will then start regi ...
A variable in another Blueprint can't be accessed in the context menu from a reference to that Blueprint. ...
ED nodes in 4.6 but are not being executed in standalone or cooked games. Also, users receive compile errors when the project is saved and reopened that resolve when the blueprint is recompiled. ...
When using UMG to load levels on a mobile device, The first level is being loaded but nothing after the first is able to trigger any additional levels to load. ...
The source code to build the Engine that is available from GitHub includes the file dbghelp.dll, which prevents the crash reporter tool from starting on Windows 8.1 machines. This file is not presen ...
When using the Launch on Feature with a Mali 400 Device, the project, once locked on, will appear black on 4.6 and will crash on CL# 2375758. This error occurs on new projects. Tappy Chicken Run fi ...
Packaged Win32 Shootergame crashes in OpenGL. This cropped up while testing on Windows XP, but occurs on all platforms if you launch in OpenGL. QA REGRESSION: YES WORKING: Regressing now BROKEN: ...
Changing the mouse cursor depending on what it is currently over only happens if a mouse button is also being held down. This worked normally in version 4.5.1 WORKAROUND: In UGameViewportClient::Ge ...
This sounds legit. Anyone mess with the if node recently? There seems to be a regression where existing content is broken. This should be fixed ASAP and patched into 4.6. https://forums.unrealen ...