Differences in Post Process FX between Minimized and Maximized Viewport

UE - Graphics Features - Apr 19, 2016

When scaling the viewport window using the Maximize/Minimize viewport option, the post processing effects applied to the screen do not scale properly. This issue seemed trivial at first, as the use ...

Landscape UI Elements are not visible

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - Oct 4, 2016

Per conversation between Gareth and Mike, it was determined the Landscape tool is in Game Mode by default. Within the Landscape Tool, all UI elements are disabled by default. This has been observed ...

Android Back Button go to Oculus home when using Gear VR

UE - Platform - XR - Mar 7, 2016

This is regression from 4.10 functionality. When assigning the Android Back Button functionality in a GearVR project, the back button will now bring up the Oculus Home Screen asking if you would lik ...

SunTemple scene does not update properly on iPhone 6S

UE - Platform - Mobile - Jul 18, 2017

On the 6S, the SunTemple scene is almost unresponsive. As the player uses the thumbsticks, the lightmaps from the windows rotate to mach the player's movement; but they are the only thing. This doe ...

Behavior Tree has missing Service Nodes on project load

UE - AI - Dec 4, 2018

In the project is Behavior Tree that implements some tasks, decorators and services, but for some reason, two of my tasks nodes gets initialized with all the pointers to their services set to null, ...

Compile error when Blueprint Interface returns a map type variable

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Feb 26, 2019

A Blueprint Interface function that returns a map type variable will fail compiling with various errors when called in another Blueprint. If the same function is setup in the Actor Blueprint instead ...

Crash When Building Lighting for a Level with Previously Purged Lightmaps

UE - Graphics Features - Feb 27, 2019

If you go into World settings, select Force No Precomputed Lighting, rebuild lighting to purge lightmaps, uncheck Force No Precomputed Lighting, save level, quit, reload project and try rebuilding l ...

Certain combined Linear/Angular movements cause Client to freeze for several seconds

UE - Simulation - Physics - May 24, 2019

When using Replicated Movement, certain combined linear/angular movements cause the client to freeze for several seconds and then catch up to the server. This is a regression from 4.21.2 (CL-4753647 ...

RemoveAxisMapping() removes axis mappings of the same key regardless of Scale value

UE - Gameplay - Jun 26, 2019

When you remove an axis mapping using a specific key it will remove all mappings even if they have separate scales. The user found a fix that I verified that worked. In "InputSettings.cpp", which i ...

Child actor passes a string to it's parent's overloaded constructor the incorrect string is received

UE - Gameplay - Sep 24, 2019

When a child actor passes a string to it's parent's overloaded constructor using an overridden function that returns a string it won't receive the correct string. I have verified that the correct fu ...