Duplicated Blueprint Causes Incorrect Target for Events

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Oct 15, 2015

Duplicating a blueprint that has a node hooked up to BeginPlay causes the BeginPlay in the duplicate blueprint to target the original blueprint. This does not appear to affect functionality. Occur ...

Application crashes when blueprint contains a copied timeline

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Oct 15, 2015

Copied timeline nodes triggers an Android crash and a black screen on the iOS devices. ...

Any Key input binding does not respond to any key presses

UE - Gameplay - Input - Oct 15, 2015

The input binding "Any Key", which was added in 4.9, does not respond to any key presses. Regression?: No: This feature did not exist before 4.9 ...

Viewport focus is not updated when the mouse leaves the current window.

Tools - Oct 14, 2015

The viewport focus does not return false when the mouse leaves the screen and clicks somewhere else. ...

Physics actor attached during runtime doesn't have proper collision

UE - Gameplay - Oct 14, 2015

Physics actor attached during runtime doesn't have proper collision User Description: It seems that the "Weld Simulated Bodies" option on the AttachToActor function (same with AttachActorToActor) ...

Cast modulated shadows causes black screen on iOS with non-default FOV

UE - Platform - Mobile - Oct 14, 2015

Using a FOV other than 90 with Cast Modulated Shadows seems to cause a black screen and weird FOV issues on an iOS device, in 4.9.2. If the camera has FOV=90, it works fine on the iOS device. If th ...

File handles remain open on Shipping Windows build after assets have finished loading

UE - Foundation - Core - Oct 14, 2015

This developer has a game that they are targeting a Windows-based arcade machine for, but they noticed that while the game is running there are several hundreds or thousands of file handles left ope ...

OnClicked event of UMG button fires once in twice if virtual joystick is receiving input.

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Oct 14, 2015

OnClicked event of UMG button fires once in twice if virtual joystick is receiving input. Both Andorid and iOS devices are affected. This issue is found with 4.9 update. under 4.8 are fine. ...

Add Movement Input does not work on any pawn that is not controlled by the player

UE - Gameplay - Player Movement - Oct 13, 2015

Add Movement Input does not work on any pawn that is not controlled by the player. Note: this worked in 4.7.6 and earlier. Test project attached. In it, the Player Controller controlled by the acti ...

When using a custom event to spawn a static mesh actor through blutilities the static mesh actors are static and cannot be altered

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Oct 13, 2015

When users spawn a static mesh actor using the blutility feature and a custom event the static mesh that is spawned will have a mobility of static and cannot be changed without the mesh disappearing ...