CharacterMovementComponent - Jump incorrectly simulated when moving against a wall, resulting in an apex height lower than expected and framerate-dependent

UE - Gameplay - Jun 17, 2024

The CharacterMovementComponent simulates the position of a jumping/falling character inside function UCharacterMovementComponent::PhysFalling() [CharacterMovementComponent.cpp:4381]. On the main cod ...

Lyra: GA_Melee uses disallowed NetMulticast RPC for melee impact sound

UE - Gameplay - Gameplay Ability System - Jun 13, 2024

The melee gameplay ability GA_Melee uses a NetMulticast RPC which isn't allowed and causes a blueprint validation error: GA_Melee.uasset: Gameplay Abilities are not replicated to Simulated Proxies ...

SpringArmComponent with "Use Camera Lag Substepping" does not handle fluctuating frame rates correctly

UE - Gameplay - Jun 4, 2024

The description of SpringArmComponent's "Use Camera Lag Substepping" option says "sub-step camera damping so that it handles fluctuating frame rates well". However, as noted and explained by a licen ...

Nanite mesh shadows not updating when CSMCaching enabled

UE - Platform - Mobile - May 25, 2024

A Nanite primitive casting a CSM shadow on another Nanite primitive with "Cast Shadows" disabled, will have it's shadow disappear completely when r.Shadow.CSMCaching = 1. ...

Actor instance FComponentReference to other actor instance gets nulled on other actor recompile

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Compiler - May 21, 2024

An editable FComponentReference property on an actor instance can be used to reference another actor's component in the scene. In 4.27 and earlier versions these references were retained when the ot ...

Guid reference warnings when using the Take Recorde

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Take Recorder - May 14, 2024

When we record a Take from a level actor, a warning about referencing the same Guid inside LazyObjectPtr.h appears. The functionality of the LevelSequence works as expeced, but when the initial tak ...

Performing seamless server travel while a Legacy Camera Shake with an Anim Sequence set is ongoing will cause a crash

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Mar 14, 2024

When we server travel with seamless travel enabled, and a legacy camera shake with an anim sequence set is currently ongoing, we will get a crash due to the UMovieSceneEntitySystemLinker failing a c ...

On NM_Client, GameplayDebugger defaults to green smiley for NPCs implying running BehaviorTree while AI info is unknown

UE - AI - Debugging - Mar 12, 2024

Context GameplayDebugger (Press ` in-game) displays a green smiley (AICON-Green) for AIControlled pawns that are running a BehaviorTree and a red angry face (AICON-Red) otherwise. If the AIControll ...

[AI] Navmesh edge missing for polygon in tile

UE - AI - Navigation - Mar 11, 2024

User is reporting a bug where there are cases that a polygon in a navmesh tile will not generate an edge. This seems to be where only part of the polygon side would be part of the edge, but the rest ...

Blueprints break when implementing a duplicated BP interface along with the original

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Mar 1, 2024

When duplicating a blueprint interface, the GraphGuids of the original BP interface's function graphs are unchanged: function graphs across the two BP interfaces now have the same GraphGuid. This is ...