When Simulating, or Playing-In-Editor and ejected, modifying an actor in the editor world causes the SIE/PIE runtime actor to recreate its blueprint added components via AActor::RerunConstructionScr ...
Up to UE 5.0, when the "Object Position" node is used in the Material Editor as part of a material with Light Function domain, attempting to compile the material results in the following error: "[SM ...
When creating an Editor Utility Blueprint derived from "Asset Action Utility", UE allows the user to override function "IsActionForBlueprints". When it returns true, the "Supported Classes" setting ...
When a running search in all blueprints is closed, it may prevent an AsyncTask used to return the look up FText's from StringTables from running on the game thread, leading to a deadlock. When the ...
The CharacterMovementComponent simulates the position of a jumping/falling character inside function UCharacterMovementComponent::PhysFalling() [CharacterMovementComponent.cpp:4381]. On the main cod ...
The melee gameplay ability GA_Melee uses a NetMulticast RPC which isn't allowed and causes a blueprint validation error: GA_Melee.uasset: Gameplay Abilities are not replicated to Simulated Proxies ...
The description of SpringArmComponent's "Use Camera Lag Substepping" option says "sub-step camera damping so that it handles fluctuating frame rates well". However, as noted and explained by a licen ...
From a licensee: The issue is that under certain edge conditions I am experiencing Anim Notifies not being executed on our Dedicated Server ( it is an off case, so they typically do work, there a ...
A Nanite primitive casting a CSM shadow on another Nanite primitive with "Cast Shadows" disabled, will have it's shadow disappear completely when r.Shadow.CSMCaching = 1. ...
An editable FComponentReference property on an actor instance can be used to reference another actor's component in the scene. In 4.27 and earlier versions these references were retained when the ot ...