When Simulating, or Playing-In-Editor and ejected, modifying an actor in the editor world causes the SIE/PIE runtime actor to recreate its blueprint added components via AActor::RerunConstructionScr ...
Consider a C++/BP class containing an EditAnywhere/InstanceEditable variable with type (UDataAsset*), (UPrimaryDataAsset*), or any of their subclasses. When setting this variable using a Property Ed ...
In a static lighting environment, moving static objects no longer marks the built lighting as invalid. This prevents the on-screen warning from appearing. Regression introduced in CL: 25964466 on / ...
Up to UE 5.0, when the "Object Position" node is used in the Material Editor as part of a material with Light Function domain, attempting to compile the material results in the following error: "[SM ...
The bandwidth on the biquad loepass filter is cutting frequencies well below 20kHz when the bandwidth is 1.0. Slack convo: [Link Removed] Visualization:[Image Removed] ...
There is an engine bug when using the EnumRedirects feature inside a config file. If we have a Blueprint Enum used in our blueprints, and we want to convert all the Blueprint enum references to a C+ ...
When changing the language options in the default Lyra Starter Game project (5.3 and 5.4) with a controller, the settings menu loses focus after closing the confirmation dialog. Focus can only then ...
The user has come across various issues with using nested blueprint structs within a data table. The first issue relates to changing a variable in a child struct and setting it back then saving, cau ...
When creating an Editor Utility Blueprint derived from "Asset Action Utility", UE allows the user to override function "IsActionForBlueprints". When it returns true, the "Supported Classes" setting ...
When an undone operation is done for a UObject property that has a UEdGraph*, the modified UEdGraph nodes are lost. This UObject needs to be created/spawned in an Editor Environment by another Obje ...