Pressed event triggered after calling FlushPressedKeys while holding the button

UE - Gameplay - Input - Oct 2, 2024

This is an issue related to the behavior of the FlushPressedKeys function when called manually while a button is held. Once the function is called in C++, a Pressed event gets triggered even though ...

Sequencer: Skeletal Animation with montages can cause blending issues when re-playing the same sequence on the same character

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Oct 1, 2024

The code in MovieSceneSkeletalAnimationSystem.cpp storages montage data on a per skeletal mesh component, per section basis. This (and a few other bits of logic) cause issues for external UDN user w ...

Material Graph Editor crash when changing the value of a node entering a reentrant expression

UE - Rendering Architecture - Materials - Oct 1, 2024

It is possible to cause an editor crash when changing a the value of a node involved with a reentrant expression. See the steps to reproduce for more information. Specifically, the crash occurs whe ...

Material functions should be able to output the same data as it can accept as inputs

UE - Rendering Architecture - Materials - Sep 30, 2024

Material Functions cannot output Texture Objects or Booleans. This seems to be because the Material Editor believes that the outputs are Floats, and forbid connections to inputs that take Textures ...

Subsurface Scattering Checkerboard with SceneColourFormat 3 (High Scalability) leads to a visual artefact when temporal upscaling is in use

UE - Graphics Features - Sep 30, 2024

Primarily visible at very low internal resolutions (25-33%), the SSS checkerboard with an RGB scene colour format (r.SceneColorFormat 3) causes a double-image artefact both internally and on the sil ...

Issues with global invalidation (MoviePlayer)

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Sep 27, 2024

It was mentioned that the global invalidation should be toggled off during loading screen and subsequently restore the state after. A request was made for this dynamic behavior be part of the engin ...

UTextureRenderTarget2D uses TC_Default for PF_R16F instead of TC_HalfFloat

UE - Texture - Sep 27, 2024

When using "ConstructTexture2D" from a render target that uses the format PF_R16F (RTF_R16F) the output texture won't retain the format and will become a four channel float texture.  The texture for ...

Problems with shadows on transluscent materials

UE - Rendering Architecture - Sep 24, 2024

Shadows on the surface of SingleLayerWater are heavily pixelated, and don't appear to use bilinear filtering at all. Also tested on //UE5/Release-5.5, CL: 36481335 ...

Lumen doesn't use correct sky light settings when GI scalability changes from Low to High

UE - Graphics Features - Lumen - Sep 24, 2024

When the Global Illumination scalability settings are changed in the editor from High to Medium, they primarily act on the r.Lumen.DiffuseIndirect.Allow and r.SkyLight.RealTimeReflectionCapture.  No ...