Loading blueprint with soft actor reference during PIE corrupts data

UE - Foundation - Core - EditorLoader - Jun 13, 2024

The Soft Object Path loading code has special case logic for loading from Play In Editor, which tries to remap paths from the editor version of a map to instead point to an actor in a specific clien ...

Render in Movie Render Queue with High Resolution Tiling Overlap causes dark pixels

UE - Anim - Sequencer - MRQ - Jun 13, 2024

From UDN: thanks for your reply. I have attached a very basic scene with a MRQ settings preset. The only thing I have changed in the scene is that I've set the Camera Exposure to manual, as it do ...

Lyra: GA_Melee uses disallowed NetMulticast RPC for melee impact sound

UE - Gameplay - Gameplay Ability System - Jun 13, 2024

The melee gameplay ability GA_Melee uses a NetMulticast RPC which isn't allowed and causes a blueprint validation error: GA_Melee.uasset: Gameplay Abilities are not replicated to Simulated Proxies ...

UnrealFrontend does not store the last project used.

UE - Platform - Console - UnrealFrontend - Jun 12, 2024

In pasts unreal engine versions like 5.2 or 5.3, when you loaded a project with UnrealFrontend, the uproject was saved inside the Engine.ini file. In version 5.4 it does not get saved and you need t ...

[Interchange] Adding fbx file to monitored folder triggered legacy import

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Import and Export - Jun 12, 2024

The import dialog window is the legacy one and not the Interchange one. Auto reimport of modified FBX seems to be working properly with legacy or interchange selected depending on the CVar Rep ...

Unable to fix up redirector of assets used in level instances

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - Level Instances - Jun 12, 2024

If another persistent level is open, the fix up can work. ...

Address Sanitiser in MSVC incorrectly identifies a non-virtual destructor, but the class is not polymorphic

UE - Rendering Architecture - Shaders - Jun 11, 2024

When built with Address Sanitiser, the engine can except in FShaderPipeline::FindOrAddShader on deletion of the Shader pointer. This appears to be in error as FShader is asserted to be non-polymorp ...

Simulate motion vectors can fail on camera cuts

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Jun 11, 2024

r.MotionVectorSimulation 1 should simulate motion vectors when cutting cameras, but this appears to be broken on some loops. ...

AlwaysTickPose is prone to double firing notifies in a dedicated server setup.

UE - Anim - Gameplay - Jun 11, 2024

See UDN for more info: https://udn.unrealengine.com/s/question/0D5QP00000MfU8l0AF/uanimnotifynotify-is-called-twice-for-the-same-notify-on-server-in-a-multiplayer-game ...

[PCG] Delayed PCG Component Unregister causing stale pointer crash

UE - World Creation - Procedural Tools - PCG Component - Jun 11, 2024