Asset localization does not work properly for Paper2D related assets such as Flipbook

UE - Foundation - Mar 18, 2022

This issue is resolved by changing Paper2D's LoadingPhase to PostConfigInit, but this is a workaround. We suggest a better long term fix via AssetRegistry changes (see comments). In the default la ...

Instanced Static Mesh does not apply World Aligned Material correctly

UE - Graphics Features - Aug 22, 2016

If you apply a material that uses World Aligned Blend to an instanced static mesh, it will display differently than an non-instanced static mesh with identical settings. They only look identical if ...

Absolute World Position post process no longer works in mobile preview

UE - Platform - Mobile - Sep 2, 2020

User reports this work correctly in 4.24, but now no longer works as expected in 4.25.I don't have a clear CL just yet, marking unconfirmed. If you change the settings to use ES3.1 Preview and just ...

mobile DOF setting is not applied when play on standalone mode

UE - Platform - Mobile - Feb 20, 2023

In 5.0, the mobile depth of field settings were correctly reflected when running standalone. However, in 5.1, the DOF doesn't appear to be working correctly and the focus is off, causing a blurry im ...

LIVE: RENDERING: Precomputed Visibility volume is not registering Statically Occluded Primitives nor allowing visibility cells to be rendered

UE - Graphics Features - Jul 3, 2014

Build: 4.2.1-2101290 Description: Currently, precomputed visibility volumes do not seem to alter occluded primitives, nor do they show visibility cells when r.ShowPrecomputedVisibilityCells 1 is en ...

[CrashReport] Ensure - UE4Editor_Renderer!FPlanarReflectionParameters::SetParameters() [planarreflectionrendering.cpp:704]

UE - Graphics Features - Apr 4, 2018

No user comments in crash group. Similar callstack in [Link Removed] but that is a crash and this is an ensure. 701 if (ReflectionSceneProxy && ReflectionSceneProxy->RenderTarget) 702 ...

The VertexInterpolator connected to a Normalize node, input into BaseColor results in black Mesh LOD Coloration

UE - Rendering Architecture - Materials - Nov 16, 2021

It does not appear to matter to the repro steps what is input to the VertexInterpolator, it matters more that there is a Normalize between the VertexInterpolator and the base color input of the mate ...

Build failure packaging for android with GoogleVR plugin enabled

UE - Platform - XR - Oct 12, 2016

Android is failing to package when GoogleVR is enabledUATHelper: Packaging (Android (ATC)): UnrealBuildTool: BUILD FAILED UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ATC)): UnrealBuildTool: C:\NVPACK\android-sd ...

Height fog removed in split screen when player1 is facing the opposite direction.

UE - Graphics Features - Sep 23, 2021

Please see the UDN for a potential fix/workaround description. ...

Fringe Saturation in Post Process Volume not functioning

UE - Graphics Features - Jul 27, 2015

Setting the values for Fringe Saturation within the Post Process Volume does not seem to have any visual change. The documentation suggests that changing the Fringe Saturation will either increase ...