
Control Rig Component does not work with inhereited Skeletal Mesh Components. They only work with non inhereited Skeletal Mesh Components.


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Steps to Reproduce
  • Open EngineTest
  • Create a New Blueprint using the Character class (this has an inhereited Skeletal Mesh Component)
  • Change the Mesh Component to use the SK_Box_Morph1 Skeletal Mesh
    [Image Removed]
  • Add a Control Rig Component - use the VariableDemo_CtrlRig class
    [Image Removed]
  • In the Construction Script - add the mesh to the Control Rig Component via Add Mapped Skeletal Mesh
    [Image Removed]
  • In the Event Graph, add a BeginPlay and a Pre-Forward Solve event - attach a Custom Event to update a float value randomly over a delayed timer, and then set that float value to be a parameter in Control Rig.
    [Image Removed]
  • Then drag the blueprint into an empty level and hit play


Result: Nothing happens

Expected: The box should change color and change shape

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ComponentUE - Anim - Rigging - Control Rig
Affects Versions4.26
Target Fix5.0
Fix Commit17719738
Main Commit17719751
Release Commit17719738
CreatedOct 12, 2020
ResolvedOct 5, 2021
UpdatedJan 26, 2023
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