
I did some research. The problem is caused in CoreNative.cpp.

In Function GetInstancedSubobject (Line 126)

We should check if instance is runtime instance first. If it is runtime instance, just use current value. Otherwise use the parent value. So I did some code change in Function GetInstancedSubobject like below, 

if ( bShouldInstance ) 
     // check bIsRuntime first
     bool bIsRuntimeInstance = CurrentValue != SourceSubobject && CurrentValue->GetOuter() == CurrentObject; 
     if (bDoNotCreateNewInstance || bIsRuntimeInstance) 
           InstancedSubobject = CurrentValue; 
     else {
         // do anything else 
Steps to Reproduce
  1. Create three class in C++


UCLASS(EditInlineNew, DefaultToInstanced, Abstract, BlueprintType, Blueprintable)
class INSTANCETESTPROJECT_API USubObject : public UObject
      FString String;

UCLASS(BlueprintType, Blueprintable, meta = (BlueprintSpawnableComponent))
class INSTANCETESTPROJECT_API UExampleComponent : public UActorComponent
      UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, Instanced)               
      class USubObject* SubObject = nullptr;

UCLASS(BlueprintType, Blueprintable)
class INSTANCETESTPROJECT_API ATestBPChildGameModeBase : public AGameModeBase
            ExampleComp = CreateDefaultSubobject<UExampleComponent>(TEXT("ExampleComp")); 
      class UExampleComponent* ExampleComp;


2. Create New Blueprint in Editor from native class ATestBPChildGameModeBase, named as ParentGM.


3. Set SubObject in ParentGM as "parent"


4. Create New Blueprint in Editor from ParentGM, named as ChildGM


5. Set SubObject in ChildGM as "child"


6. Save all and close Editor


7. Reopen Editor, the SubObject in ChildGM is "parent"


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Won't Fix
ComponentUE - Gameplay - Components
Affects Versions4.25.3
CreatedNov 2, 2020
ResolvedJul 19, 2022
UpdatedJul 19, 2022
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