
When attempting to deform a landscape to landscape splines, the landscape often does not correctly conform to the spline and will appear through portions of the spline or the spline will "float" above the deformed landscape.

Steps to Reproduce

1. Open editor (any project)
2. Open Landscape mode
3. Create new landscape
4. Go to Landscape>manage tab
5. Change "selection" to "Splines"
6. Add several splines to landscape using Ctrl+LMB
7. Change location of splines to various heights
8. Press "All Splines"
9. Change several of the spline locations and press "All Splines" again.

Note: if this does not occur the first few times, create additional spline components and move them around. Then press "All Splines" again

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Cannot Reproduce
CreatedFeb 20, 2015
ResolvedAug 2, 2016
UpdatedJul 14, 2021
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