
Certain blueprint nodes are noticeably wider than they were in 4.25, and seem to get excessively wide if the user fills in literal pins on them.

This was noticed with the Array Add nodes, but may affect similar nodes as well.

Steps to Reproduce
  1. Open QAGame in editor.
  2. Open any blueprint.
  3. Make a string array variable and add it to the graph as a get.
  4. Drag off the get node and place an Add node.
  5. Start entering something inside the string literal pin.
    • You may need to try this in 4.25 as well to see the difference.


The node expands to be excessively wide.

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Fix Commit15495481
Main Commit15495488
Release Commit15495481
CreatedFeb 19, 2021
ResolvedFeb 22, 2021
UpdatedNov 29, 2022
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