
If the actor is in sublevel and user play simulate or PIE, the actor can't be moved by drag gizmo. Even if under the same conditions, editing transform of detail panel work properly. So I guess that editing transform of actors of sublevel isn't prohibited.

this issue can be fixed if enable "Use Legacy Behavior for actor and component updates while dragging" of Editor Settings.
But this flag is tagged UE_DEPRECATED. if this flag is removed in the future, some users will have problems. 

 /** Toggles legacy behavior for updating components and actors during drag operations. This could be useful if you're seeing a degradation in performance due to too many PostEditMove calls */ /** Toggles legacy behavior for updating components and actors during drag operations. This could be useful if you're seeing a degradation in performance due to too many PostEditMove calls */ UE_DEPRECATED(4.26, "This property is meant to be a temporary toggle for a rollback if too many post edit move calls degrade performance during drag operations.") UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, config, Category=Controls, AdvancedDisplay, meta = (DisplayName = "Use Legacy Behavior for actor and component updates while dragging")) bool bUseLegacyPostEditBehavior = false;
Steps to Reproduce
  1. Open attached project
  2. Open P_Level
  3. Open LS_Sub
  4. Play Simulate
  5. Drag the Sphere of the sublevel

expect : move the sphere
result : don't move

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ComponentUE - Editor - Workflow Systems
Affects Versions4.26.1
Target Fix5.0-early access
Fix Commit15775510
Main Commit15785982
Release Commit15775510
CreatedMar 3, 2021
ResolvedMar 23, 2021
UpdatedJan 22, 2024
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