Drop-down selection menus will select on mouse release. This only occurs for options under "Current Asset". I was able to click a drop-down, then hold down the left mouse button and let go over "Clear" to activate it.
1. Create a new top-down project
2. Open TopDownCharacter
3. Select the mesh component
4. Click and hold down the left mouse button over the Skeletal Mesh selection
5. While holding down the click, move over the "Clear" option
6. Release the mouse button
Why does the REMOVE method of map container remove elements have memory leaks?
How do I set a material as a post-processing material?
How does TextureRenderTarget2D get TArray<uint8> type data?
How to delete some elements correctly when deleting an array loop?
What is the cause of the packaging error falling back to 'GameUserSettings' in ue5?
UMG RichText not appear image when packaged
How does TArray loop correctly remove elements in blueprints?
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