Adding more than 8 connections to or from a state in the state machine results in unpredictable behavior, like causing an animation to fail.
(See image.)
Was able to reproduce with user's test files linked here:
[Link Removed]
1. Download, install, and play linked file from the Description
2. Play in editor; while moving, hold the shift key. The character should leap through the air, then when he hits the ground (continue holding shift) he should begin to fly along the ground. While flying, press spacebar; the character should do a frontflip-jump, then resume flying along the ground. This is the intended behavior.
3. When you press Shift while moving, In the State Machine the game sets a bool flag that tells the character to "dodge". Once the character is in the Dodge state, the game checks to see if the player is still holding the shift key when the character lands; if so, rather than playing the dodge landing, it sets a flag for Initiate Dash which transitions the player to the Dash State (by way of a second Dash Begin state which plays a special anim).
4. When the player is dashing, pressing jump will set a flag that indicates that the player has double-jumped and transition him to the double-jump state. From this state, the game checks to see if "Resume Dashing" is true; if it is, at anim end, it re-cycles back into the dash state.
5. The bug: from the DODGE state (not the Dash state), create a new connection. You can drag it to any state; you can create a new State, even. The transition rule can also be whatever you like; to prove a point, set the transition rule to False, so that the transition you've just created off of the Dodge state cannot EVER be taken.
6. Result: Now, do the dashing-jump example from the beginning again; note that now, when you try to jump, instead of doing the proper frontflip anim, the game just sort of barely hops the player above the ground without any animation change at all.
Request a info about UE-127172 bug tracker
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Component | OLD - Anim |
Affects Versions | 4.7.2 |
Created | Mar 16, 2015 |
Resolved | Jul 11, 2016 |
Updated | Jul 14, 2021 |