
If a user collapses a button that is inside of a wrap box widget the other buttons inside that wrap box will not adjust their positions to compensate for the missing button. In other widgets collapsing a widget causes all child widgets to shift down when face with the same scenario. An example of this is the Horizontal box.

Steps to Reproduce
  1. Open the Editor
  2. Create a new Widget Blueprint
    Right click the content browser > User interface > Widget blueprint
  3. Open the new widget blueprint
  4. Add a "Wrap Box" box widget to the designer tab
  5. Add six buttons to the "Wrap Box" widget as children
  6. Set the padding for each button to be 25
  7. Select the first button in the group and create a click event for it
  8. Go the the event graph of the widget blueprint
  9. Use a get variable for the second button in the wrap box
  10. Pull off the Get Variable for the Second button and type Set Visibility
  11. Select "Collapsed" from the drop down menu
  12. Use the click event that was made for the first button to set the visibility
  13. Open the level blueprint
  14. Pull off of the event begin play > Create Widget > Add to viewport
  15. Select the New widget blueprint from the drop down menu of the create widget node
  16. Compile and Save
  17. Play In Editor
  18. Click the first button
  19. Notice there is now a gap where the second button was and that the other buttons did not shift down

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ComponentUE - Editor - UI Systems
Affects Versions4.
Target Fix4.8
Fix Commit2506779
CreatedApr 8, 2015
ResolvedApr 9, 2015
UpdatedApr 27, 2018
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