
Granular Synth Component is not generating a sound as it previously did.

Steps to Reproduce
  1. Create new Blank Project with Starter Content in Preview 1
  2. Create a new Empty Level
  3. Create new Blueprint Actor
  4. Add a Granular Synth Component
  5. Create a reference to the Granular Synth Component in the event graph
  6. From the reference connect a 'Set Sound Wave' node to 'Event Begin Play' node
  7. Set the In Sound Wave pin to "Collaspse02"
  8. From the reference connect a 'Start' node to the 'Set Sound Wave' node
  9. From the reference connect a 'Note On' node to the 'Start' node
  10. On the 'Note On' node set Note pin to 600; set Velocity pin to 254; set Duration pin to -1.0(if it isn't)
  11. Compile, save, then close the Blueprint
  12. Place the Blueprint Actor in the level then press play

Expected Results:
As in 4.27.2 a sound like stuttering will be heard.

Actual Results:
No sound can be heard.

Have Comments or More Details?

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ComponentUE - Audio
Affects Versions5.0
CreatedMar 7, 2022
UpdatedMay 3, 2024
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