
The Max Channels (voices) setting displays in the output log as 0 on new projects. Likely a result of [Link Removed]. Issue is in display only (there are 32 voices), but should ideally report the default value instead of "0". Changing the value in the Project Settings does update the value displayed on launch.

AudioMixer settings in Output Log on Release-5.0 CL19399424

*LogAudioMixer: Display:     Max Channels (voices):                0*

AudioMixer settings in Output Log on Early Access

*LogAudioMixer: Display:     Max Channels (voices):                32*

*Testing Note*
On fix, do some testing around this by changing the Max Channels value in the Project Settings and verifying it updates correctly.

Steps to Reproduce

1) Create a new project
2) Search LogAudioMixer in the output log
3) Observe the Max Channels (voices) setting

Expected Result:
This is 32 by default on Windows

Actual Result:
The log says it's 0

Have Comments or More Details?

There's no existing public thread on this issue, so head over to Questions & Answers just mention UE-146271 in the post.

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ComponentUE - Audio
Affects Versions5.0
Target Fix5.3
Fix Commit25221455
Main Commit25221455
CreatedMar 16, 2022
ResolvedApr 27, 2023
UpdatedMay 1, 2023
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