
Setting Key Interpolation for a point on a curve to Auto behaves differently than it did in UE4. The results are more akin to the User Interpolation with flat tangents.

Steps to Reproduce
  1. Create or Open a project made with Preview 2
  2. Create a new Blueprint Actor
  3. In the Event Graph create then open a Timeline node
  4. In the Timeline add a Float Track
  5. Set a point at Time 0 Value 0
  6. Set a point at Time 1 Value 1
  7. Select both points
  8. Right click 1 then set Key Interpolation to Auto

Expected Results:
The handles line up with the line between the 2 points(see attachment UE4_AutoCurve)

Actual Results:
The handles form a flat tangent like the User Interpolation(see attachment UE5_AutoCurve)

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By Design
ComponentUE - Anim - Runtime
Affects Versions5.0
Target Fix5.0
Fix Commit18168271
Release Commit18168271
CreatedMar 17, 2022
ResolvedMar 17, 2022
UpdatedJan 25, 2023
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