
Android Cook fails when a MetaSound Source object is referenced utilizing FObjectFinder in C++

Repro Rate: 3/3

UATHelper: Cooking (Android (ASTC)): LogInit: Display: LogMetaSound: Error: Target interface is not registered [InterfaceVersion:UE.Source.OneShot v1.0]
UATHelper: Cooking (Android (ASTC)): LogInit: Display: LogMetaSound: Error: Target interface is not registered [InterfaceVersion:UE.Source v1.1]
UATHelper: Cooking (Android (ASTC)): LogInit: Display: LogMetaSound: Error: Target interface is not registered [InterfaceVersion:UE.OutputFormat.Mono v1.0]
UATHelper: Cooking (Android (ASTC)): LogInit: Display: LogLinker: Warning: VerifyImport: Failed to find script package for import object 'Package /Script/MetasoundEditor'
Steps to Reproduce
  1. Create a new Blank CPP project.
  2. Enable the MetaSound Plugin (Edit > Plugins) & restart the editor when prompted.
  3. Create a new Metasound Source named "MS_Test" in the Content directory
  4. Create a new CPP class based on Actor
  5. In 'MyActor.h' add this after #pragma once:
    • #include "Metasound.h"
      #include "MetasoundSource.h"
  1. In 'MyActor.cpp' add this inside of the Constructor for the class on the line after the PrimaryActorTick.bCanEverTick gets set:
    • static ConstructorHelpers::FObjectFinder<UMetaSoundSource> MS_Bling(TEXT("MetaSoundSource'/Game/MS_Test.MS_Test'"));
  1. Open up {project-name}.Build.cs file located in {projectdir}/Source/{project-name}
  2. Replace the entire PublicDependencyModuleNames line with:
    • PublicDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string[] { "Core", "CoreUObject", "Engine", "InputCore", "MetasoundEngine" });
  1. Compile & Run the editor
  2. Cook for Android (Platforms > Android > Cook Content)

Results: Cooking fails due to 'Target interface is not registered' for each interface being utilized in the MetaSound Source asset.
Expected: Cooking succeeds while the MetaSound Source asset is referenced utilizing FObjectFinder in C++

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ComponentUE - Audio - MetaSounds
Affects Versions5.0
Target Fix5.0.2
Fix Commit19971074
Release Commit19971074
CreatedApr 27, 2022
ResolvedApr 29, 2022
UpdatedJan 25, 2023