
Occurs 3/3 times.

Orientation Warp plugin is missing from ABP_Manny BP in the TPS C++ project after project restart. 

Regression does not occur: Animation Warp plugin is not available in //UE4/Release - 4.27.2

Steps to Reproduce

Repro Steps:

  1. Create a TPS blank C++ project.
  2. Enable the Animation Warp plugin and restart.
  3. Open the ABP_Manny BP.
  4. Add the Orientation Warp node to the Locomotion State Machine using the 'Local to Component' nodes.
  5. Set the required Spine, IK foot root, and IK foot bone values for the Orientation Warp node, in the Details panel. 
  6. Compile and save the ABP_Manny BP.
  7. Save all and quit the project. 
  8. Re-open the project.

Expected: Orientation warp node appears in the ABP_Manny BP.
Actual: Orienation warp node is missing. Compiler results: '<Unnamed> was visible but ignored'.

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ComponentUE - Anim - Gameplay
Affects Versions5.0.1
Target Fix5.1
Fix Commit21593764
Main Commit21593764
CreatedMay 10, 2022
ResolvedAug 26, 2022
UpdatedSep 10, 2022
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