Editing an array of gameplay tags on a component belonging to an actor instance can lead to a crash. There are inconsistencies with how the Gameplay Tag Editor widget behaves:
Scenarios 1 and 2 do not seem to lead to a crash.
Copied from UDN with a few changes:
> UnrealEditor-GameplayTagsEditor.dll!TArray<FGameplayTag,TSizedDefaultAllocator<32>>::Contains<FGameplayTag>(const FGameplayTag & Item) Line 1109 C++ [Inline Frame] UnrealEditor-GameplayTagsEditor.dll!FGameplayTagContainer::HasTag(const FGameplayTag &) Line 295 C++ UnrealEditor-GameplayTagsEditor.dll!SGameplayTagWidget::IsTagChecked(TSharedPtr<FGameplayTagNode,1> Node) Line 738 C++ [Inline Frame] UnrealEditor-GameplayTagsEditor.dll!Invoke(ECheckBoxState(const SGameplayTagWidget::*)(TSharedPtr<FGameplayTagNode,1>)) Line 66 C++ [Inline Frame] UnrealEditor-GameplayTagsEditor.dll!UE::Core::Private::Tuple::TTupleBase<TIntegerSequence<unsigned int,0>,TSharedPtr<FGameplayTagNode,1>>::ApplyAfter(ECheckBoxState(const SGameplayTagWidget::*)(TSharedPtr<FGameplayTagNode,1>) &) Line 324 C++ UnrealEditor-GameplayTagsEditor.dll!TBaseSPMethodDelegateInstance<1,SGameplayTagWidget const ,1,enum ECheckBoxState __cdecl(void),FDefaultDelegateUserPolicy,TSharedPtr<FGameplayTagNode,1>>::Execute() Line 290 C++ [Inline Frame] UnrealEditor-Slate.dll!TDelegate<enum ECheckBoxState __cdecl(void),FDefaultDelegateUserPolicy>::Execute() Line 588 C++ [Inline Frame] UnrealEditor-Slate.dll!TAttribute<enum ECheckBoxState>::Get() Line 236 C++ UnrealEditor-Slate.dll!SCheckBox::GetForegroundColor() Line 299 C++ UnrealEditor-SlateCore.dll!SCompoundWidget::OnPaint(const FPaintArgs & Args, const FGeometry & AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect & MyCullingRect, FSlateWindowElementList & OutDrawElements, int LayerId, const FWidgetStyle & InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled) Line 37 C++
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There's no existing public thread on this issue, so head over to Questions & Answers just mention UE-152813 in the post.
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Component | UE - Gameplay |
Affects Versions | 5.0.1 |
Target Fix | 5.1 |
Created | May 17, 2022 |
Resolved | Jul 21, 2022 |
Updated | Aug 13, 2022 |