Steps to Reproduce
  1. Open LyraEditor and open L_ShooterGym map
  2. Open editor for GE_GameplayEffectPad_Damage
    1. Set Duration Policy to "Has Duration"
    2. Set Duration Magnitude to 2 seconds
    3. Add "GameplayCue.ShooterGame.Interact.Collect" to the list of Gameplay cues
  3. Open editor for GC_Collect_Effect
    1. Set Auto Destroy on Remove to true 
    2. Set Auto Attach to Owner to true
    3. Add a Sphere component with NoCollision (for easier visualization)
  4. (Optional) Open Editor for B_ShooterBotSpawner
    1. Set Num Bots to Create to 0
  5. Launch PIE with NetMode=Listen Server and Num Players=3
  6. On one of the clients walk into the damage Effect Pad

Expected Results:
**GC_Collect_Effect is spawned when entering the effect pad and is removed on all clients after 2 seconds when the GE is expired

Actual Results: 
GC_Collect_Effect is removed on the server, but not on the clients. 

Have Comments or More Details?

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ComponentUE - Gameplay - Gameplay Ability System
Affects Versions5.0.1
Target Fix5.1
Fix Commit21970257
Main Commit21966876
Release Commit21970257
CreatedMay 24, 2022
ResolvedSep 12, 2022
UpdatedSep 22, 2022
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