
Calling functions that have an implicit WorldContextObject parameter (line trace, execute console command, etc) in a Blueprint function library will give a compile error about a missing __WorldContext pin.

User has submitted a pull request to fix this issue

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Steps to Reproduce
  1. Open Editor
  2. Create a new Function Library
  3. Open the Function library
  4. Create a new function
  5. Hook up an Execute Console Command
  6. Create another function in the library
  7. Call and hook up the first function that was created
  8. Compile and save
  9. Open the level blueprint
  10. Call the second function on begin play
  11. Compile
  12. Notice the following error "Error Could not find a pin for the parameter __WorldContext of NewFunction_1 on New Function 1"
  13. Place a "Get player controller" to the seconds functions graph but DO NOT hook it up to anything. Just leave it floating
  14. Compile and save
  15. Open the Level blueprint
  16. delete the old reference to the second function
  17. Add another call to the second function and hook it up to begin play
  18. Compile and Save
  19. Notice this time the error did not occur (even though the player controller was not hooked up to anything)

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ComponentUE - Gameplay - Blueprint
Affects Versions4.8
Target Fix4.9
Fix Commit2562999
CreatedMay 21, 2015
ResolvedMay 22, 2015
UpdatedApr 27, 2018