Steps to Reproduce

Repro Steps:

  1. Make a Level Instance with a couple of props
  2. Create a Data Layer for your level and assign the Level Instance to this Data Layer. Make it a Runtime Data Layer.
  3. Add script for toggling the Data Layer state between Activated in Unloaded in the Level Blueprint
  4. Run PIE and toggle the Data Layer, keeping an eye on the Data Layer outliner tab

Result in 5.0: Data Layer toggles between Activated and Unloaded and props disappear when expected.

Result in 5.1: Data Layer toggles between Activated and Unloaded but props loaded regardless of state.

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Fix Commit22116812
Main Commit22140350
Release Commit22140346
CreatedSep 19, 2022
ResolvedSep 21, 2022
UpdatedOct 21, 2022
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