
If you use both Category hierarchy and CallInEditor in UFUNCTION, it will result in an unintended sequence as shown below.

[Image Removed]

And, the following code can solve this issue

void FDetailLayoutBuilderImpl::GenerateDetailLayout()
   for (FCategoryMap::TIterator It(DefaultCategoryMap); It; ++It)
      // Remove all subcategories
      TSharedPtr<FDetailCategoryImpl> DetailCategory = It.Value();
      // Note: Sub-categories are added later
      int32 Index = INDEX_NONE;
      if (DetailCategory->GetCategoryName().ToString().FindChar(FPropertyNodeConstants::CategoryDelimiterChar, Index))
         SubCategoryMap.Add(It.Key(), DetailCategory);
#if 1 //workaround begins
   for (FCategoryMap::TIterator It(CustomCategoryMap); It; ++It)
      // Remove all subcategories
      TSharedPtr<FDetailCategoryImpl> DetailCategory = It.Value();
      // Note: Sub-categories are added later
      int32 Index = INDEX_NONE;
      if (DetailCategory->GetCategoryName().ToString().FindChar(FPropertyNodeConstants::CategoryDelimiterChar, Index))
         SubCategoryMap.Add(It.Key(), DetailCategory);
#endif //workaround ends
   // Build default categories
   while (DefaultCategoryMap.Num() > 0)


Steps to Reproduce

1. Add function using subcategory

UFUNCTION(CallInEditor, Category = "Map|Capture")
void GenerateSnapshot();

2. compile

3. Check Detail panel of Actor

result : does not consider subcategory

Have Comments or More Details?

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ComponentUE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor
Affects Versions5.0
CreatedSep 20, 2022
UpdatedMar 26, 2023
View Jira Issue