
When looping the attached sound, there is a noticeable pop on the loop boundary when the codec is Bink that is not heard on other codecs.

Steps to Reproduce

1) Launch audio project
2) Import the attached sound
3) Open the sound wave and set the file to looping
4) Interate through the different codecs and listen to the sound by clicking the thumbnail in the Content Browser to preview it

Expected Result:
The loop is seemless for all codecs

Actual Result:
When the codec is Bink, there is a click between loops

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ComponentRAD - Bink Audio
Affects Versions5.1
Target Fix5.2
Fix Commit23034020
Main Commit23034020
CreatedOct 22, 2022
ResolvedNov 8, 2022
UpdatedApr 4, 2024
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