
Errors are appearing in the log when opening an Impulse Response asset type.
This does not occur in Release-5.0 and is a regression.
Note: The IR appears to still work normally as part of a Submix Effect.

LogAssetEditorSubsystem: Opening Asset editor for AudioImpulseResponse /Game/Assets/SoundWaves/Mono/VO/RookieVoice_IR.RookieVoice_IR
LogEditCondition: Error: EditCondition parsing failed: Field name "%" was not found in class "AudioImpulseResponse".
LogEditCondition: Error: AudioImpulseResponse - EditCondition attempted to use an invalid operand "%".
Steps to Reproduce

1) Launch AudioQA
2) Right click on any Sound Wave asset in the Content Browser and select Create Impulse Response
3) Open the newly created Impulse Response asset
4) Observe the Output Log

Expected Result:
 No errors appear in the log

Actual Result:
 Errors appear in the log

Have Comments or More Details?

There's no existing public thread on this issue, so head over to Questions & Answers just mention UE-169294 in the post.

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ComponentUE - Audio
Affects Versions5.1
Target Fix5.2
Fix Commit23138919
Main Commit23138919
CreatedNov 4, 2022
ResolvedNov 15, 2022
UpdatedNov 18, 2022
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