
An actor channel's InPartialBunch won't be deleted and cleared until a new partial bunch is received. This can result in a situation where memreport counts the memory for an old InPartialBunch and its next bunches, but the Next pointer is invalid while not being null.

Steps to Reproduce

When running memreport while an actor channel has an InPartialBunch (and that InPartialBunch has a seemingly valid Next pointer), a read access violation can occur during FBitReader::CountMemory for InPartialBunch.
See linked UDN for more info.

Have Comments or More Details?

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ComponentUE - Networking
Affects Versions5.1
Target Fix5.2
Fix Commit23098089
Main Commit23102295
CreatedNov 9, 2022
ResolvedNov 11, 2022
UpdatedMar 1, 2023
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