
When syncing from a non-repeating montage that is blending out to an anim graph, the anim montage is marked as a follower due to having its PrevMaker as an AnimBoundary(-1), furthermore in this case we cannot assume there is any valid sync data before reaching the first marker.

In this case we would want to ignore syncing and just blend out normally as this will not cause any jarring pop outs.

Steps to Reproduce
  • Setup a montage that is able to blend out and sync to a sequence in an anim graph.
  • Play and then stop the montage 0.2-0.3s before the first marker.
  • You will see how the animation pops when the montage is blending out. 

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ComponentUE - Anim - Gameplay
Affects Versions5.15.2
Target Fix5.5
CreatedFeb 7, 2023
UpdatedJan 31, 2024
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