
This texture validation exists for global parameters, and should read as


"Warning: Param samples /Engine/Functions/Engine_MaterialFunctions02/ExampleContent/Textures/newhplaneNormalsMap.newhplaneNormalsMap as Color"

Steps to Reproduce
  1. Create a new Material Layer asset
  2. Add a texture parameter to that asset and have it output to the Base Color input of the Set Material Attributes node in there.
  3. Set the texture parameter's value to an engine texture that uses the Color sampler type. For example, /Script/Engine.Texture2D'/Engine/EngineResources/DefaultTexture.DefaultTexture'
  4. Create a new Material, set it to Use Material Attributes
  5. In the material, create a Material Attribute Layers node, and set the created material layer as the background layer.
  6. Create a Material Instance of your material
  7. Open the MI you created, and go over to the Layer Parameters Tab
  8. Expand the Background layer, override the texture parameter you created and set its value to /Script/Engine.Texture2D'/Engine/Functions/Engine_MaterialFunctions02/ExampleContent/Textures/newhplaneNormalsMap.newhplaneNormalsMap'
  9. Observe that in the viewport of the Material Instance Editor there is no yellow warning text alerting the user that the texture parameter is being used with the incorrect sampler type.

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CreatedFeb 7, 2023
UpdatedJul 26, 2023
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