
ARecastNavMesh.bPerformVoxelFiltering doesn't seem to be working anymore.

Steps to Reproduce

In the editor in any map

  1. Place a NavMeshBoundsVolume in the map and rotate it to 45 degrees
  2. Build navmesh (or let the automatic navmesh generation to finish) - make sure navmesh debug drawing is enabled
  3. Observe the navmesh filling NavMeshBoundsVolume AABB, not just the volume's contents
  4. Set ARecastNavMesh.bPerformVoxelFiltering property to true

Observed: navmesh still fills the volume's AABB

Expected: the navmesh is constrained to the inside of the volume

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By Design
ComponentUE - AI - Navigation
Affects Versions5.15.25.3
Target Fix5.3
CreatedFeb 21, 2023
ResolvedFeb 21, 2023
UpdatedMay 16, 2023
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